December 17, 2010


Mood : Emoooo!
Yeah peeps! I totally emo. Had been like this since morning till now. I lost my hostel room key and also the access card. FML. No one to blame. Cos I don't want to put the blame on others. I search for it almost the whole day in my little small room. And finally end up, I got nothing! Sigh. I think 80% I might left the key outside my room for the whole night. I just realised I lost it this morning. LOL.

The only thing I fear about is my safety! Others might took it and maybe they will enter my room. FML. Hope that Taylor's will help me to change a new locker. pls. I have no peace everynight. I scared until I have no apetite to eat. I skipped my breakfast and also lunch with no purpose. I totally can't eat for that moment. I ate little to just now.

I did reported to the warden this morning. I just hope that they will understand my situation. I need a safer place now!! I'll be staying at bei er's room these few days till they change me a new locker. Or else, I won't sleep in my room! DEFINITELY a NOO!! fml.

"The most safe is also the most dangerous place"

I had lost both of this thingy. ='(

Oh ya! Taylor's currently having Open Day starting from today until this Sunday. So peeps.. if you guys are interested to study in Taylor's.. please do visit here. I guess Taylor's is a good place to study because of the environment here. Except for the tuition fee. Expensive till the max. I gonna continue my degree here. Finally I had set my mind wat I gonna do for my degree. Sigh. btw.. I love Taylor's! Taylor's rock!! =D


  1. lolx...pity u~
    haha...btw, TARC rockx....=P

  2. LOL.. damn soi. hope the people who found my key wil return it back to me
